God's Grace at Work in Florida Jails
Residents Encounter Christ of Florida
P.O. Box 716,
Oxford, Florida 34484-0716
Contact Us
Released from Jail Recently?
During these extraordinary times, we can take comfort in Paul's words from Philippians 4:6-7, "Do not be anxious about anything but in every situation, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.".
Residents Encounter Christ (REC) of Florida is an inter-denominational Christian ministry that brings the Good News of God’s grace to residents of jails in Florida. REC of Florida is a 501(c)(3) designated organization. Click on the pictures to the right to hear testimonials.
Mission Statement
Our one essential belief is that everyone in the world needs a relationship with Jesus Christ. Everything - everything else is non-essential. God has called us to help bring that essential belief to the residents of Florida jails
How does REC work?
During a 3-day REC experience, a team of about 35-45 Christian men and women from different denominational backgrounds, both lay and clergy, enter a correctional facility to share three days of Christian community. Through a series of talks and group discussions, we teach priorities, goal setting, and encourage a strong faith as a way of life for their future. After the initial REC is held at a jail, volunteers from the REC community visit the residents monthly for “gatherings” to continue to support them in their spiritual growth.
What do residents say about REC?
“I never knew there was such a thing as grace before. How do I get to know this Jesus?” -----Tom
“I find myself stopping and praying now when I get mad at someone. That never happened before.”
“I asked for forgiveness and have now reconciled with my family after almost 30 years.” ----Shelley
Listen to Testimonials-Click picture
Interested in Volunteering?
Find out how to volunteer to participate in REC. Click here.
In Memoriam
For those who are now with the Lord, we give thanks and honor them as servants of the Lord in this ministry. See our Memoriam page.