"I was in prison and you came to visit me." Mathew 25:36
Residents Encounter Christ (REC) is an inter-denominational Christian ministry that brings the Good News of God’s grace to residents of jails in Florida. Read more information about prison and jail statistics by clicking here.
Mission Statement
Our one essential belief is that everyone in the world needs a relationship with Jesus Christ. Everything - everything else is non-essential. God has called us to help bring that essential belief to the residents of jails in Florida.
What is an REC Weekend?
During a three day REC experience, a team of about 35-45 Christian men and women from different denominational backgrounds, both lay and clergy, enter a correctional facility to share 3-days of Christian community. Through a series of talks and group discussions, we teach priorities, goal-setting, and encourage a strong faith as a way of life for their future.
Each of the 3 days of the weekend has a separate theme that are:
“Die Day” centered on the death of Jesus Christ and how in our dying to self we become alive in Christ.
“Rise Day” a joyous celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
“Go Day” explores the continuous call to spread the Good News.
Read excerpts of letters from residents after the REC weekend.
What are REC-Outside Events?
The REC-Outside program provides attendees (pilgrims) with the same experience on the “outside” as the residents have on the “inside”. Participating in an REC-Outside also fulfills the necessary requirements to serve on an inside REC team at one of the county jails.
What are Jail Gatherings?
After the initial REC is held at a jail, volunteers from the REC community visit the residents monthly for “gatherings” to continue to support them in their spiritual growth.
Who are the Church Sponsors?
Over 30 churches provide volunteers, logistics, and financial support to conduct REC events. For a list of churches that support REC of Florida, click here