Want to Volunteer?
Volunteers are the most important resource communities have and they are the heart of our REC program. Without them we could not do God's work in Florida jails.
Those serving on an REC team must have participated in a Cursillo, Emmaus, Discipleship, Tres Dias, or similar "Walk" experience. Volunteers may also choose to attend an REC Outside event so they can participate in the REC Program. Click here for more about REC Outside.
Serving as a REC volunteer typically means that you will be assigned to serve with a team of other volunteers who come together to hold an REC weekend at a Florida jail. The team is formed and trained over several sessions prior to an REC weekend. Roles may include serving as a table leader, speaker, musician, or as inside and/or outside jail support members.
How to Become a Volunteer?
If you are interested in serving as a volunteer in REC events, you can download and mail the one of the completed REC Volunteer Application Forms. Applications are available for the Mid-Florida and Greater Orlando REC Communities. If you have questions about volunteering you can click here to contact us.
1. Volunteer for Mid-Florida REC Community (Citrus, Lake, Marion, and Sumter Counties)
Download the application by clicking on the link below and mail it to the address on the form. If you are interested in completing a Sumter County Detention Center application so you can enter the detention facility with an REC group, download the second application and mail it directly to the Sumter County Detention Center. The mailing address is on the form.
Download the Application for Mid-Florida REC
Download the Sumter County Detention Center Application
2. Volunteer for Greater Orlando REC Community (Orange County)
Download the application by clicking on the link below and mail it to the address on the form. If you have questions about volunteering you can email them to RECGreaterOrlando@gmail.com

3. Volunteer for the Tampa Bay REC Community
Send your contact information and any questions using our Contact Form by clicking here.